Monday 9 August 2010


MY OPINION: I loved this film, since the start. I think Jennifer Aniston should keep doing things like this or Good girl instead of doing crap like The bounty hunter. I think the style of it is simple and easy to get to like the characters.

THE BEST: Steve Zahn, I love his character. Impulsive and faithful.

THE WORST: Woody Harrelson, I cannot stand him.

UNEXPECTED: A bit unexpected half way through.

RATING: 8/10

All about Steve

MY OPINION: Really bad film, Sandra Bullock's character is annoying at times and I cannot believe this is called romantic comedy as I didnt see any romance or any comedy in it.

THE BEST: I guess I need to say The message that Sandra Bullock's character gives at the end, about living your life and if you love someone let him go.

THE WORST: Practicly nearly the whole film.

UNEXPECTED: The first time she sees him...she looks like a different person.

RATING: 4/10

Saturday 7 August 2010

The man without a face

MY OPINION: Mel Gibson's best, as director and actor I think. I loved the plot and the acting. Great performance!!

THE BEST: Mel Gibson acting

THE WORST: Society's stupid brands for some people

UNEXPECTED: Seeing "John Connor" acting better as a kid

RATING: 8/10


MY OPINION: Not very good... I lost interest half way through. I think Heath and some of the cast are quite good but the roles are not strong enough for their level.

THE BEST: Seeing a balloon flying over Venice in the year 1753

THE WORST:The ending part

UNEXPECTED:Oliver Platt is very fat in here!!!!

RATING: 6/10

Tuesday 3 August 2010


MY OPINION: Very interesting trailer, but the film lack of something. It started well, but through it loses interest. It was a shame because it could have been amazing.

THE BEST: The start

THE WORST: The rest


RATING: 5/10