Wednesday 28 July 2010

(500) Days of Summer

MY OPINION: Excellent film, very realistic and down to Earth... even Ikea is in it. I was sad at the end, at the beginning, but then it made me think... life is like that, you meet people that you think will be forever with, but for different circumstances like changes or they change and your happiness will be with someone else.

THE BEST: The soundtrack, the cast and dialogue.

THE WORST: Nothing

UNEXPECTED: Dancing in the middle of the road :)

RATING: 10/10

The Princess and the frog

MY OPINION: I di not like it, in fact, I got bored half way through. I could not finish it. Did not like the story or the bad guy... cannot believe Disney played with voodoo in a film for children!!!

THE BEST: I guess the drawings..

THE WORST: The singing and the bad guy...just to mention some

UNEXPECTED: Nothing, as they revealed the main thing in the trailers

RATING: 4/10

No Reservations

MY OPINION: Different from what I thought it was. It was not the kind of stupid rom-com film with famous just to show off. I liked it and it was a good cast. I actually connected with the film and its characters, and it made me cry a couple of times.

THE BEST: Catherine Z

THE WORST: I dont think it has anything bad

UNEXPECTED: Raw steak :P

RATING: 8/10

Tuesday 27 July 2010

The back-up plan

MY OPINION: Really bad acting from J.Lo I am affraid. Not realistic at all any of the characters really. Nor the end...Do not have any more thoughts than did not like it.

THE BEST: I guess the start..the first 20 minutes before her life changed meeting the guy.

THE WORST: Kind of everything else

UNEXPECTED: Seeing a thin pregnant J.Lo and straight after the birth...she looks exactly the same :P

RATING: 3/10

Love happens

MY OPINION: Very emotional from the start, from his side. You feel what the character feels, it hurts. Then, he tries to live again when he meets her, and it happens. But we never forget, and indeed sometimes we need to stop thinking to be happy again. Good film

THE BEST: The random words behind pictures

THE WORST: The sadness and memories that hurt

UNEXPECTED: Jen is not too bad :P

RATING: 6/10

The bounty hunter

MY OPINION: It was not as entertaining as I thought it would be, I think it might have been because Jen's action role. The switch rom com to action doesnt work for her. Not as romantic I thought it was either.

THE BEST: I have to say GB

THE WORST: Lack of ... interest

UNEXPECTED: Seeing Jen's running

RATING: 4/10



THE BEST: Every single second...and the cast

THE WORST: It had to end :(


RATING: 10/10

Diario de una ninfomana

MY OPINION: I thought I was going to see a bad and cheap spanish film where people were going to get naked without any sense....but I ended up watching a beautiful and very emotional story about a lost woman that in the end found the way know how to live her life. A lot of nude bodies that help the story to be realistic and personal. The main actress Belen Fabra was expectacular the whole film, she made me care very intensively about her character. Another good spanish film...
I am amazed :O

THE BEST: The feeling of reality of the character, and the end.

THE WORST: Unfortunately some guys are like Jaime...

UNEXPECTED: Fully naked bodies acting very naturally on camera

RATING: 8/10

Celda 211

MY OPINION: Amazing spanish film, full of reality and intrigue. Very intense all the way through and in times you agree with both sides.... and it is one of those films where even with only one background the film do more than engage epople into its plot. From beginning to end, the cast was absolutely great. The best spanish film I have seen since Abre los ojos.

THE BEST: Everything

THE WORST: Nothing

UNEXPECTED: Near the end..I do not want to spoil anything

RATING: 10/10

Thursday 8 July 2010

Twilight. New Moon

MY OPINION: I could not follow the story after a while. Random things started to happen with some wolves-strip guys. I guess I am with the vampires, as they look more normal than the half-naked guys. Without any sense at all they start to take their shirts off, and the main guy that cuts his hair is really bad actor in my opinion. I guess I will keep watching the saga just to know what is going on. But definately I do not understand why it has become so popular.

THE BEST: The first half hour, because it shows well how much it hurts when someone is heartbroken.

THE WORST: The guys-wolves that take their shirts off when is no need


RATING: 5/10

Leap year

MY OPINION: Really predictable and cheese film. It was not completely bad, but it did not made me feel anything either. Maybe the lack of personality from the characters or the nonsense of the plot itself. The only thing I would safe when the fire alarm goes off is the only thing that made sense in the whole film.

THE BEST: The background, great views of Ireland

THE WORST: The idea to propose to a guy without deep emotions of passion.

UNEXPECTED: Nothing at all. Everything was predictable.

RATING: 4/10

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Remember Me

MY OPINION: One of the best dramas I have seen for a while. Maybe because I didn't know anything about it, the film made me feel what the characters were feeling and I could understand their sadness. It was great to see Robert Pattinson not as a vampire and in a good film for a change.

THE BEST: The whole film from the start to end, and the cast.

THE WORST: Sadly the consecuences of someome affect a lot of people.

UNEXPECTED:The start and the end.

RATING: 9/10

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Hot tub time machine

MY OPINION: Funny and crazy film that takes u back to the 80's. Of course it is not credible for many reasons but it is one of those funny do not think too much and have fun kind of film.

THE BEST: Who is the dad?

THE WORST: Nonsense time travel stuff.

UNEXPECTED: Russian spies.

RATING: 6/10

She's out of my league

MY OPINION: Really entertaining and nice to watch. I liked the plot and characters. It is not one of those nasty comedies were the characters suffer to make the audience laugh. I enjoyed it.

THE BEST: The main character and I guess the actor played him well.

THE WORST: The ex.

UNEXPECTED: Shaving part :P

RATING: 7/10